Bala’s Vanangaan tells the story of Koti (Arun Vijay), a hot-tempered, hearing and speech-impaired man, whose life revolves around his sister Devi (Ridhi). A shocking incident at a destitute women’s home, where many are visually impaired, drives him to seek vengeance. Meera (Roshni Prakash), a cheerful tourist guide, adds light-heartedness to the otherwise grim narrative.
Arun Vijay delivers a stellar performance, using body language to convey Koti’s emotions. While the setting and characters are engaging, the film falters with a flat investigation subplot, forced twists, and insensitive handling of sexual assault. The voyeuristic cinematography undermines its social message.
Short Verdict: “Arun Vijay shines, but Bala’s storytelling misses the mark.”