Sivakarthikeyan Productions’ upcoming project ‘Kottukkaali’ produced in association with The Little Wave Productions, starring Soori and Anna Ben in the lead roles has completed...
RS Infotainment Eldred Kumar presents “Viduthalai Part 1”, directed by Vetrimaaran, which features Soori as the content-driven protagonist and Vijay Sethupathi as Vaathiyar. With...
Sivakarthikeyan Productions has created a commendable array of movies that have owned unique story premises and excellent presentations that have appealed to the interests...
RS Infotainment Eldred Kumar presents ‘Viduthalai Part 1’, directed by Vetrimaaran, featuring Soori and Vijay Sethupathi in the lead roles, has musical score by...
Everything about RS Infotainment Elred Kumar’s upcoming production ‘Viduthalai Part 1 & Viduthalai Part 2’ has created inevitable ripples of sensation. Crafted by iconic...
RS Infotainment Producer Eldred Kumar’s upcoming production ‘Viduthalai’, directed by Vetrimaaran, featuring Vijay Sethupathi as Vaathiyaar and Soori protagonist in the titular roles, gets...
RS Infotainment Producer Eldred Kumar’s upcoming production ‘Viduthalai’, directed by Vetrimaaran, featuring Vijay Sethupathi as Vaathiyaar and Soori protagonist in the titular roles, gets...
"VIRUMAN" Starring Actor Karthi is produced by Actor Suriya Under his banner 2D Entertainment and Directed by Muthaiyah.Director Shankar's Daughter Aditi Shankar is making...
Ever since the announcement of filmmaker Vetrimaaran’s Viduthalai was made, the expectations have been getting bigger for this project. Produced by Mr. Eldred Kumar...